1. Urhobo as a nation needs to gel together (but NOT by merging
together) all the individualistic groups so that it will be possible to produce a singular voice that represents the voice
of the Urhobo people.
To provide the avenue for bringing
together the activities and efforts of the individuals, clubs, groups and organisations that handle one aspect of Urhobo affairs
or the other to bring about a holistic fulfilment of the aspirations of the Urhobo people. This connection will be with
all the Urhobo people, the Ivies and Oloroguns in the 22/3 Urhobo Clans or sub-cultures, UPU and Urhobo Historical Society.
To provide a “bridge”
or a link between our present leaders and the generations following so that there is “shadowing” or
“mentoring” or “discipleship” or any such name that will happen along the line so that there can be
smooth transition of leadership.
To provide avenue for enlightenment/education
of the people and create ample awareness for the people from all aspects and works of life within the Urhobo people.
To foster peaceful and harmonious
co-existence among the various groups and clubs (comprising of the Ivies, Oloroguns, Chiefs, elders, elites, “the eghweyas”
and the youths) and neighbouring non-Urhobos so that the focus will be a unified move for the actualisation and realisation
of Urhobo aspirations and not individualistic and selfish struggle that hitherto tear us widely apart. (The
present Urhobo people and organisations operate as individual block which cannot build a solid house without a cement to gel
each block together with the other for strength and solidity. We all need to gel together while we maintain our individuality.)
To foster the atmosphere of
brotherly love for one another for our common goal of purpose within the comity of nations in Nigeria
and in the Diaspora to be achieved.
To provide avenue that fosters
a holistic Social, Political, Economical and Cultural Development of Urhobo people and Urhobo land.
To do all things that promotes the interest of Urhobo People and Urhobo land.
To provide a "Funnel" for varied Urhobo ideas. That is, opening the gateway whereby individuals (young or old, men or
women) and organisations could channel their ideas for further development of Urhobo.